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It was provoked by the revolt against certain flows of the Romanian education (expressed in two critical works that called for the system reformation), but also by the fascination for those ennobling the condition of teacher or author. The irony of destiny made that, after working in the direction of computers design (software and hardware) and of their use for the composition of educative programs, after an academic tour in Canadian context, I return to Bucharest to launch an alarm signal. This position paper, with an assumed polemic (even provocative) character, expresses some moral and political concerns, exposing the conclusions of my experience. The background of the argumentation is a personal vision regarding the explicative phenomenon, developed jointly with the investigation on the ecology of spiritual communities based on it. Two of my study's conclusions are relevant. The first is "physiological": the explanation is essentially a bipolar phenomenon, a human consonance that sustains the propagation of knowledge in community. The simulation (artificialisation) possibilities of good teachers are severely limited. The other is epistemological: the phenomenon of education is extremely complex, requiring hard-to-synchronise interdisciplinary efforts mb,&"T&b"""2   APleading summary from a long journey in the explanation labyrinth$B-&,  1 Media and learning- an endless debate At the foundation of the instructional technology research lays a fuzzy question: Can media ameliorate education? We don t know to formulate it coherently, yet. 2 Education, technology and business- a confrontation of interests The fight between conservative and progressive forces determines the evolution of human cognitive physiology. The increasingly powerful business and neocolonial lobbies may impose their agenda, covering it with tehno-propagandistic discourse. 3 The engineering of community life- a giant responsibility The evolution of individuals and communities is influenced by the instrument space they invent and use. This ask for a socio-technical engineering, based on an ethical oriented science of complex phenomena. 4 Science, research and technology of education- reasons of a crises The (educational technology) science can miss this rendezvous because of formalism, dogmatism, commercialism, and especially& specialisation. 5 Modelling explanation- an interdisciplinary challenge Impassioned by understanding and facilitating good explanations, looking for an unitary model, I have proposed a dedicated inter(trans)displinary effort. 6 Semantic and instrumentation- a chain of projects The main object of my experimental research was to study the relationship between the semantic and the instrumental dimensions of the explanation phenomena. 7 Conclusions- the defence of the didactical "pas de deux Some principles verified or settled down by my studies justify an alarming signal: new media may also harm educative physiology, producing ..virtual learning. hZ+&C&<&&I&&(  B   ;  E  7   4 5    !0(!0 !0=!0S!0!0!0!0(!0 !0=!0S!0!0!0 (1 Media and learning- an endless debate 4)'&&( o An expressive example is the principle polemic launched in 1994 in the Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D, 1994): Ulmer reviews contradictory theoretical currents, concluding that the misunderstandings come from a different perception on the physiology of complex systems. Clark reaffirms that learning can rely on any instrument, if it takes place according to well thought and adapted methods, the change of a technology having not pedagogical advantages. Kozma sustains, with experimental arguments, that the problem is open to the future, when media will be able to create pedagogical opportunities. Morrison suggests abandoning a sterile question. The responses of the others interveners allow the observation of a large spectrum of paradigms, from constructivism to social cognition- that Jonassen et al. synthesize, concluding that the real problem is the study of the global process of learning with media. Reiser signals the distinction between the problem's pragmatic and theoretical dimensions. Shrock admits the legitimacy of principle and method contradictions, signalling however the risk that the theme's complexity paralyse the scientific aspirations of the educational technology. Clark retorts, showing that only the study of the methods leads to general results and to the conservation of valuable traditions tied to abandoned instruments. Kozma brings new arguments for the thesis that instruments, methods, and utilisation contexts cannot be separated. Tennyson, signalling the vast map of implied aspects and the legitimacy of various visions, appeals to epistemological pluralism and tolerance. !Z Z&v&&&&&&&&[&&&&  M  r  V  ]      Following the dispute hosted by No. 2 of the British Journal of educational Technology (BJET, 2003), dedicated to the impact of new technologies on education... we notice the problem perenniality. Only that, this time, the analyse starts from the real situation found on terrain, in flagrant contradiction with the optimistic previsions: The conclusion of Nichol and Watson's editorial, that synthesises other contributions of this special issue, should arouse suspicions to those wanting to imitate the experiment: "Rarely in the history of education has so much been spend by so many for so long, with so little to show for the blood, sweat and tears expended". Conlon and Simpson show the similarity of the situation found in Scotland with that found in the USA by Larry Cuban (Cuban L: Oversold and underused:computers in the classroom Harvard University Press, 2001)- that did not encounter the promised "value-added contribution" of the ICT. Reynolds et al. reveal the discrepancy between the reality of reduced computer use in schools and the bombastic rhetoric assumed by authorities. And Selwyn and Gorard reveal the mystification with statistical data and eloquent explanations. This raises the question once more: can a new technology favour education? Are the facilities it brings in measure to counterbalance the losses represented by the modification of methods, the discontinuity of rituals and the necessity of learning the new techniques?!ZV&&&&&1&e&#")""j       [   B2 Education, technology and business- a confrontation of interestsCC&B The opinions of analysts on instrumenting education, from techno-enthusiasm to techno-phobia are used as doctrinaire arguments in the confrontation, on the terrain of educational practice, between the  agents of change, modernisation, and progress" and the "retrograde, inertial, conservative elements (which resist to "re-qualification in the alert rhythm convenient for stock quotation, having to be continuously re-educated, adapted to new technologies  (see also Postman, N. Technopoly: The surrender of culture to technology,. New York, 1993). But the real influence of these theoretical debates (marginal agitations, in the ivory tower of the scientific community) on the organisation policy of real instructional systems- is reduced. Society is driven forward by other... invisible hands. Who can evaluate the effect of kids' enthusiasm for video games- on the "informatisation trend"? And who will fight the techniques through which that enthusiasm is maintained, in the advantage of equipment-producing companies? Certainly not those who gain from the extension of this market- creator of business opportunities. The interested experts of countries exporting "educational products" and the bought propagandists of the importing countries will find the necessary arguments to sustain any opportune thesis. But references to tehnologisation- as a refined weapon of neo-colonialism- are rare, both in technical literature (being out of the scope of its preoccupations) and in socio-ethical literature (inhibited by aspects transgressing its language). It is not easy to find a context to discuss such subjects, too technical for humanists and to humanistic for technicians. The fact that, even the critical observations regarding the shallow rhetoric of the "emancipating technology" contained in the "instructional technology" literature, do not venture in confronting frontally the marketing propaganda- is eloquent. The reader that has not lived the direct experience of the "scientific-commercial complex" will not learn, from these analyses, that behind scientific pleadings hides the interest for continuously selling instruments and methodologies requiring wide markets. !Z&&&O&&&f&       E      F   Therefore, I will launch here some provoking observations: The perfect targets are the countries dominated by venal oligarchies- covered or not with democratic appearances. The ideal means are contracts made with corrupt functionaries of state institutions, covered by politicians bought by lobby groups. Receiving their tribute in discrete forms, the decision factors exhibit a modernisation passion, inclining towards using public money for technologising education (considered an investment) rather than growing teachers wages (considered as expense). The system is conceived in the detriment of the physiological local autonomy, creating dependencies and continuous needs for "re-technologisation". It is sufficient to launch modenisation projects, rendering the explanation of Pythagoras's theorem impossible... without a sophisticated instrument, requiring perpetual ameliorations and producing... many small collateral benefices... at great distances. This systemic confiscation explains the miraculous enrichment of those that have insured their monopole over the informational infrastructure, using sophisticated techniques of public manipulation and domestication, cultural-economical satelisation, administrative authorities subjugation, concurrent creativity blocking-up (in the name of intellectual property protection) etc- to which the promoters-profiteers of the new technologies resort , shielded by alibis such as: improvement, adaptability, integration, portability, inter-operability, distribution etc. Finally, the connection to the "global currents" can lead, especially in corrupt local contexts, to the mediocrisation, bureaucratisation and mercantilisation of education. But the voices of those that signal such risks (Olson, J. Schoolworlds, Microworlds Computer and the culture of the classroom, Pergamon, Toronto 1988; Salomon G.Technology promises and dangers in a psychological and educational context, Theory Into Practice, 37(1), 4-10, 1998; Rosca, 2005- Tranzitia educatiei, din lac in put- a text in which I deplored the introduction of grill-type examinations and the extinction of large participative tradition to Romanian Olympiads) are driven to anachronism and "radicalised" by the dominating stream. ;ZZ,&"&& &&`              J      ,          ;3 The engineering of community life- a giant responsibility(<;&;  Time works in favour of technological conquest campaigns, the accomplished fact creating a new context... that justifies it a posteriori. The more massively introduced, the more new instruments become really necessary, inevitable. They cannot be put away without endangering the global informational metabolism. Citizens avoiding to be marginalized, must assimilate them. From tools, computers become goals of society and of education. This irresistible dialectic seems to favour the forces of progress, despite the "errors" and the "collateral damages". It is just a delusive appearance. In reality, the fact that society forms a unitary and evolving whole, that the plastic human and material layers reciprocally determine themselves- creates great dangers and responsibilities. Are the computer based students better than the ones which had used crayons and notebooks? Besides the optimistic visions, pessimistic scenarios also must be watched carefully. Degenerations are possible. Thought and language may be "digitalised"- to improve the dialogue with artificial partners- and standardized- to increase semantic inter-operation. The new student, created by the use of a new technology, adapted to it more and more profoundly, could not perceive the new rituals as alienating, degenerating or impoverishing. And the new mediocre teachers that may fill up the new education system... deserve to be replaced by machines. No one new will accuse the difference& The instruments with which we enrich reality produce the change of the community's physiology and thus- that of its destiny. Plunged in the distributed cognitive system (Hollan J.,Hutchins E.,Kirsh D.: Distributed cognition: toward a new foundation for Human-Computer Interaction research , ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol7 No2 ,174-196, et al,2000) like cells in the metabolism of the organism enclosing them (Maturana H. , Varela,F: Autopoiesis and Cognition: The realization of the living, D.Reidel, Boston,1980), individuals are at their turn modified- through adaptation to the general evolution. This circle (determines cybernetically (Odobleja S. Psychologie consonantiste. Librairie Maloine, Paris 1939, sec edition E.S.E Bucuresti,1979) the evolution of the human condition. But in the absence of socio-technical engineering, extremely problematic due to the complexity (Morin E., Introduction la pense complexe, ESF diteur, Paris,1990) of the involved systems and processes (Le Moigne, J. L.: La modelisation des systemes complexes, Dunod, Paris 1990) the boomerang of technologisation strikes blindly: we know better and better how to construct worlds, without knowing how they construct us. nZ!Z&&&" >&& g& & }&& f& & && E& &'&& M& &~            1  }                9              m E4 Science, research and technology of education- reasons of a crisesFF&E The integrative and illuminating intellectual development Science that should orientate the evolution of the species cognitive physiology& is absent. The explosion of rudimentary commercial projects has left far behind the thorough research on the effects of their use, on the optimal formulas for their educative exploitation and on their assimilation policies in traditional educational contexts. Domains like CAL, CBT, ITS, CSCL, etc- only try to catch up the train they pretend to steer, justifying its trajectory, post-festum. Here are some reasons& The epistemological fragility, the divergence of specialised disciplines, the aggressiveness of commercial interests and the academic bureaucratisation contributes to the creation of an unhealthy atmosphere in many collective research projects involved in educational technology. A gap has emerged between research and the practice it is supposed to assist and emancipate. Instead of being centres of intellectual watch, many institutions have transformed themselves in launching pads for new mass instruction instruments (Butson R. Learning objects: weapons of mass instruction, British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol 34 No5, pp 667-669) with various action ranges, seedbed of redundant and useless software prototypes, anarchically developed by programmers that do not speak the same language than the researchers imagining the specifications. The watch of pedagogical rituals degeneration by a "technologisation" driven by corporatist interests can not be made in projects subsidized by these companies. It would be normal that at least the studies funded with public money be dedicated to the community interest, signalling and sustaining emancipating solutions, preventing and fighting the pathology afferent to technological abuses. For the series production of original papers, the academic furnaces "implement" projects in which the pretended beneficiaries are not involved in the progressive definition of "use cases", but only used at the end, a posteriori, to "evaluate and validate" virtual specification, according to sophisticated methodologies .The team members (believing they pertinently represent the education actors and can optimise the explicative processes through instruments) usually being: university researchers- with minimal pedagogical concerns and students- produced by a mass education system (where the profound explicative experiences are increasingly rare).The situation becomes worse when the projects ambiguously oscillate- sometimes towards a prototype, sometimes towards a commercial product- under the pressure of "business partners" that impose the "deliverables" strategy, siphon public funds, confiscate people, privatise ideas and prototypes. Even in the quite favourable context of the LICEF institute, my posture of conceptual architect, linking the research and development teams, has often been delicate, the programmers asking for clear specifications at the beginning of the project and the researchers wanting to end their activity with them. | 0Z28&9&)&&>&   %  ]        85 Modelling explanation- an interdisciplinary challenge $97&7 The need for a pluridisciplinary approach is determined by the extreme richness of the educational phenomenum. As I have extensively shown (explained) in my doctoral thesis, dedicated to the modelling of the explanation (Rosca, I .: Towards a systemic vision of the explanation process; the story of a research on integrating pedagogy, engineering and modeling-1999, http://www.ioanrosca.com/educatie/these) we are far from understanding the global physiology of hybrid systems continuously transformed by processes, in which persons- embodying evolving knowledge- and objects- carrying explicative messages- interact. The impressive number of: elements and phases, aspects and dimensions (semantics of the explained subject, logic and rhetoric of the demonstration, shared representations, physiology of co-action and of the communicational process, psychology of perception, understanding and memorisation, motivational and economical levers etc), criteria and methods, contexts and versions etc imposes the simplification of the models, strategies and instruments. It have obliged me to dress the map of a modelling perplexity& . nq&&&(&&"  C   q  ~        36 Semantic and instrumentation- a chain of projects44& Between 1994 and 1996, within GRAEMI and HERON multimedia labs framework, I have studied the explicative messages' composition and their perception processes. I also have concentrated my attention on the "interaction mode" between the partners of a co-demonstration, joining (Rosca,1999) in the "explicative mode" the elements determining the cooperation's physiology and separating them from the explanation semantics. I approached the expert-computer-novice triangulation, specifying a virtual instrument called "NOVEX" (allusion to the NOVice - EXpert couple to which it would be dedicated). I pleaded for the valorisation of human intelligence and teacher art (Rosca,1996) by the computerised synapses, the programmable agent being treated as a man - man interface. Then I have observed, between 1996 and 1999, in the TaxiNet and other WEB projects, the physiology of information transactions through the Internet. I have extended these investigations participating in some large projects which aimed the modelling/ instrumentation of instructional systems distributed on the Internet: EXPLORA (a virtual campus management platform- Rosca and Paquette, 2001), MOT (knowledge structure, pedagogical scenario and resource conception/diffusion editor- Paquette and Rosca, 2003), ADISA (distributed workshop for learning systems engineering- conforming to MISA method- Paquette et al., 2001) etc. In order to deepen the research about the physiology of the ensemble formed by the procedural reality and its orchestrating model, I have piloted the prototypal development of a "function manager" (GEFO- Rosca and Rosca, 2003). This instrument was then used and refined in the context of the LORNET project founding a prototype that has illustrated the behaviour proposed for the TELOS system (Rosca and Paquette, 2004). I have defined TELOS' conceptual architecture so that it sustains the modelling and management of distributed instruction activities: from the emergent ones (searching human and material support resources and chaining operations freely) to the orchestrated ones (through rigid or adaptable scenarios). In order to support "semantic aggregation" (Rosca and Paquette,2002) and evolved matching services for the optimization of "competence equilibriums" around pedagogical operations (Rosca,2005)- the proposed system uses a "knowledge layer" for referencing all the components: persons, documents and activities (Paquette and Rosca, 2004). Thus, the circle of my research has closed: starting with the semantics (didactic) of the explanation, I passed to the physiology of its emission, perception and communication, from there to the instrumentation and the organization of instructional systems, to finally return to knowledge- analysing its global physiology.D &"C&D      o    4  {  I      D  t7 Conclusions- the defence of the didactical "pas de deux ;;&25   8Bipolarity of explanation. Explanation phenomenon is based on the cognitive consonance lived by a human pair. Synchronous or asynchronous, sonorous, textual or graphical, direct or remote, realized through communication, resource sharing or co-operation, exploiting the physical interaction through objects and the innate or cultivated human communication capacities (language etc.)- the explicative relationship between an "expert" and a "novice" is essentially a bipolar phenomenon, based on the collaboration between two free-will centres . Knowledge as a communicational system. We obtain a systemic meaning of "knowledge extending the phenomenology vision about the unity of the (observed object  observing subject) pair, taking into account the shared character of knowledge and including, in a single whole, the represented subject, the representing symbol and the human pair using the representation to communicate on the subject. Person in society: cognitive duality. The individual cognitive metabolism interferes with that of the community- in which it is "situated". The communication between two persons can be seen as a relation between two distinct cognitive systems, but also as a manifestation of the cognitive physiology of the species' system, ensuring spiritual evolution, through knowledge propagation. Structure/process duality: existence/transformation, adaptation/evolution, ontogenesis/phylogenesis. The physical and conceptual entities, tied by relationships, create systemic units and determine their behavior (physiology). Conversely, the physical and cognitive processes sediment structures (entities and relations). A complete systemic vision must reveal the existence-becoming duality, using "structures in processes" models. Conservation and change: circular relationships between "model" and "reality". The reality must be observed and understood (modeled)- even if we wish to conserve it. A reciprocal influences loop is blend between "reality" and "model" (accentuated- when the phenomena's "model" is used as an instrument by the participants)- with major behavioral consequences. A such "reality-model" system has its global physiology. Distributed intelligence and synaptic tele-informational systems. The intrinsic qualities of a human assistant (appropriate, available and well-disposed) are difficult to mechanize. The posture of information "emitter" is multipliable (through the diffusion of the conceiver's "message"), but that of a learner "listener" or interactive partner- much harder. But prior to cooperating or communicating, the partners must equip, find and agree themselves. The synaptic "matching" infrastructure, based on the computer network, can provide contact, contract and management services, forming a "synaptic" (matching) infrastructure for the collective brain's physiology  ZZ""'"g"&"\"e"M"N"S"B"X"p j  Q&  n  ` ̙33` ` ff3333f` 333MMM` f` f` 3>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> *"(    6 P  T Click to edit Master title style! !  0L   RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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The increasingly powerful business and neocolonial lobbies may impose their agenda, covering it with tehno-propagandistic discourse. 8 Z( H H 0޽h ? ̙33  @D(  @r @ S 0K    @ S P   ,d (0H @ 0޽h ? ̙33" ,Z(  , l ``7 ,,$D 0Z2 , s *``Z2 , s * 2 , 6s jcommunity system C    , 0 wP0p  b model m(C)      2 , 0P{@ \edit   2 , 0~@W  [use   T , c $#@OT  , c $` 0T  ,B c $U` T  , c $#M  , c $x& P  gmeta-system [C,m]   2  , 0l` A \edit   2 , 0L`   [use    , 0d_Q imeta-model M[C,m]   T , c $1 q` #T , c $qQT ,B c $ T , c $1 ` ZB , s *D , c $P` 7 jmeta-system [C,m,M]    , 0`,$D 0 L  Passing from the classical informational tools to the "artificially intelligent" synapses distributed on the  semantic web , the possibilities for a global intellectual modification grow considerably. The observation of the meta-physiology for the "cognitive reality - semantic mirror" pair offers possibilities for fighting the pathology of the community's cognitive metabolism but could also be used for its Orwellian orchestration (ruling). Becoming aware of this fact, we encounter fundamental problems of social and spiritual ecology. Do the triggered mutations really emancipate the individuals and the mankind? The adoption of a certain philosophical position regarding the condition of the person integrated in the society- from individualism to sociality is determinant. This article's position- for example- is dual: individual existence/becoming and collective co-existence/evolution can be bundled in various formulas- on which the saneness and beauty of the human adventure depend. It becomes clear that a successful climb on the technological spiral (towards a better man in a better world) depends on the development, in tight correlation with the pragmatics dimension of science of an adequate ethical dimension, that should fix its priorities.Thus, instead of continuing our journey piloted by some corporatist demiurges or to try an illusory face-about to the old candid times when society evolved naturally, we could work for developing of an adequate guiding meta-science. &H      dd , 0n,$D 0 The models we use to understand and orchestrate phenomena form a loop with them, constituting new meta-systems with a new meta-physiology and their own evolution line. &  dd , 6`,$D 0 The evolution of individuals and communities is influenced by the instrument space they invent and use. This ask for a socio-technical engineering, based on an ethical oriented science of complex phenomena. 0 Z& H , 0޽h ?,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,,,, ̙33\   L(  L L S ك<$D 0    L S |<$D 0  ,d (0H L 0޽h ? ̙33l d(  d d 6츄n`,$D 0 lThe (educational technology) science can miss this rendezvous because of formalism, dogmatism, commercialism, and especially& specialisation. 0 Z& f  d 6Ƅ P J,$D 0 But the profound cause of this situation is the narrow scientific specialisation, that places synthesis subjects- like the management of socio-technical systems (Herrmann et al, A modelling method for the development of groupware applications as socio-technical systems Behaviour & Information Technology V 23, No2, 119-135, 2004)- between various disciplines, leaving the task of establishing the educational strategy to politics, driven by corporatist interests Despite many remarkable efforts (as Reigeluth et al, Comprehensive System Design: a New Educational Technology, Springer-Verlag, 1993) "Technology of education" does not rely (yet) on a specific science, being obliged to see a unitary phenomenon through the multitude of prisms of a wide range of domains, each having its own primitives, epistemology, language, paradigms, experience, rituals, models and priorities. An integrative approach would be necessary. But the adepts of interdisciplinarity have not calibrated their methodologies by attacking the problem of modeling the "education phenomenon". And the program of the trandisciplinary movement (Nicolescu,B.(1996):La transdisciplinarit - Manifeste, ditions du Rocher, Monaco, 1996) is not (yet?) backed by an adequate epistemology. The design of instructional systems (Gagn R,: Instructional Technology :Foundations, Hillsdale, 1987) is an art, combined with methods for propagating the successful formulas (Scandura, J. Role of instructional theory in authoring effective and efficient learning technologies, Computers in Human Behavior, 12(2), 313-328, 1996) validated by a hierarchic network of academic centers, mandated with "scientific authority". The paper flow continuously weaves a labyrinth of ideas, enforced by reciprocal citations and resorting to formal systems for evaluating the conformity to norms established by consensus. In the absence of a solid epistemological base (Spector J.: The role of epistemology in instructional design, Instructional Science, 26(3-4), 193-203,1998) there are no guaranties that the collective research effort converges towards major synthetic truths, created by transcending details and condensing ambiguities. $ 0 Z28 Z&&&&&;&&7&k&&b&>&&&& # D   K j              B % 5 R p    e  0 c   ddH d 0޽h ? ̙33  }P(  P P S  <$D 0    P S  <$D 0   P 6 `,$D 0 Impassioned by understanding and facilitating good explanations, looking for an unitary model, I have proposed a dedicated inter(trans)displinary effort. ( &  H P 0޽h ? ̙33x% (% %++$(    c $ 0<$D 0   =5-6 Modeling explanations (www.ioanrosca.com/educatie/these) <> B!fV      z @   @ ,$D 0B  TD?"@   B ?"  5? (  N ?"  Mexplanation unitary model z   ,$D 0  s XA.?D:\tampon\UNTITLED.JPG   T  ?"  D aspect space   z    ,$D 0   T΄g ?" V$sociology, human development studies% %   T첄g ?"pP0 Ocomputers, telecommunications    T8҄g ?" ` Kmethodology, epistemology   Tڄg ?" @  Gsciences of education   TH g ?"   Einformation science   TL1g ?"   :diagrams    TUg ?" `  ; semiotics    TYg ?"   :rhetoric    T@g ?"0` < multimedia    T}g ?"P Daction,negotiation   T[g ?"@ ? system theory   T8g ?" 8logics   T82g ?"` @ T"ITS, AI, CBT, CAL, CSCL, CSCW, DSS# #  T5g ?" R psychology and cognitive science! !  T4g ?"`  Gcommunication science   T<g ?"  :language    Td8 ?"[ d = paradigms     TC ?"   <language     TH? ?" 1 d = interests     TJ ?"   <criteria     T,F ?"P  t D view filters      ThQ ?" Hinvolved domains  ! TM ?" d ;methods  z  P "  P,$D 0 # <Wg ?   DARITM, CPElectro, MAT (training and education experiences- Romania)E E 5 $ <[g ?  AMetamorph, Stereopresentation ( adaptable multimedia composition)B B$ % % <_g ?   zFNOVEX,SAFARI (expert- computer- novice action and decision sharing) G G & <cg ?   ['NUAC(services management on INTERNET)( ( ' <gg ?` P _TELOS (facilitating semantic and technical interoperation between knowledge management sites)` ` ( <bg ? p d0MOT,GEFO (orchestrating pedagogical procedures)1 1 ) Tn ?" Ipersonal projects  * < fg ?   ['ADISA (planning instructional systems)( ( + <tg ?0 P REASE (retrieval and matching) H  0޽h ? ̙33  T,(  T T S |zP<$D 0    T S  <$D 0  ,d (0 T 6`,$D 0 The main object of my experimental research was to study the relationship between the semantic and the instrumental dimensions of the explanation phenomena. ( & H T 0޽h ? ̙33   '(     c $<$D 0     c $ 0<$D 0  ,d (0  0 ,$D 0 ` 8 Z"   04  ,$D 0 ^0 Z"   0   ,$D 0 ^0 Z"   0d  p,$D 0 ` 8 Z"   6g`,$D 0 Some principles verified or settled down by my studies justify an alarming signal: new media may also harm educative physiology, producing ..virtual learning.. ( & H  0޽h ? ̙33rX0H@k 48 @:p0@ < Oh+'0 hp   PowerPoint PresentationoweoweVRe54eMicrosoft PowerPointon@` *@@`GGG ;  Xg&@ &&#TNPP2OMi & TNPP &&TNPP   @ - "-- !@-- "-&9 4& - & 4& --!:-- @Times New Roman- .42 yThe risks of virtual learning          .--Af-- @Times New Roman- .2  Ioan Rosca,    .@Times New Roman- . 2 EPhD . . 2 k.. .-2 uin educational technology     . .g2 *@telecommunication, computer, information and instructional syste                  . .2 \ ms engineer  . .g2 F@researcher and conceptual architect at LICEF, Teleuniversity, Mo                 . .2 vntral  . . 2 ioan . . 2 .. .2 rosca . .'2 B@licef.teluq.uquam.ca     . .72 ( ICVL, Bucuresti, 29 October 2006       .-- "System-&TNPP & ՜.+,D՜.+,|    On-screen Shown-sm Times New RomanDefault DesignThe risks of virtual learning IntroductionBPleading summary from a long journey in the explanation labyrinth)1 Media and learning- an endless debate PowerPoint PresentationC2 Education, technology and business- a confrontation of interestsPowerPoint Presentation<3 The engineering of community life- a giant responsibilityPowerPoint PresentationF4 Science, research and technology of education- reasons of a crisesPowerPoint Presentation95 Modelling explanation- an interdisciplinary challenge >5-6 Modeling explanations (www.ioanrosca.com/educatie/these) 46 Semantic and instrumentation- a chain of projects;7 Conclusions- the defence of the didactical "pas de deux  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide TitlesD 8@ _PID_HLINKSA*/264,3,1 Media and learning- an endless debate I266,5,2 Education, technology and business- a confrontation of interestsB267,7,3 The engineering of community life- a giant responsibilityL270,9,4 Science, research and technology of education- reasons of a crises@271,10,5 Modelling explanation- an interdisciplinary challenge ;272,12,6 Semantic and instrumentation- a chain of projectsB259,13,7 Conclusions- the defence of the didactical "pas de deux _.=VRVR  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345679:;<=>?ABCDEFGIJKLMNOTRoot EntrydO)Picturesp0Current UserHSummaryInformation(8PowerPoint Document(R=DocumentSummaryInformation8@Root EntrydO)0SX@Picturesp0Current User/SummaryInformation(8      !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345679:;<=>?ABCDEFGT_.=<RoscaRosca